Configuring Heterogeneous Data Replication between MySQL and Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse using Oracle GoldenGate
Peter Song — Cloud Engineer
This post will go over how to set up a unidirectional pipeline using Oracle GoldenGate Classic Architecture on the source and Microservices Architecture on the target. GoldenGate is a software package for real-time data integration and replication, and is used for solutions that require high availability, real-time data integration, transaction change data capture, data replication, and transformations. You can use GoldenGate to keep your database online during migrations. NOTE: This should only be used for testing/development and not for production.
Environment Details
- The source database is MySQL Client Version 8.0.18
- The Target Database is Autonomous Data Warehouse
- The source GoldenGate is GG Classic Edition for MySQL (Marketplace)
- The target GoldenGate is GG Microservices Edition for Oracle (Marketplace)
This blog will cover end to end, starting from the creation of the ADW Instance
1. Create the ADW Instance
To create an ADW instance you need an OCI account.
After logging into your tenancy with your OCI account, click the hamburger icon and go to Autonomous Data Warehouse
Select Data Warehouse and Shared infrastructure.
2. Create mySQL Instance on OCI Using OCI Marketplace
a. Create the MySQL Instance using OCI Marketplace
b. Select the Default version. In this case it is 8.0.23. On the next screen, select an existing VCN & subnet or create one yourself. You may upload your own SSH key or let Oracle generate one for you.
Create 2 GoldenGate Instances
a.Choose GoldenGate for Non-Oracle (classic)
b. Choose the correct version (in environment details above)
c. Choose Goldengate for Oracle (microservices)
d. Choose the correct version (in environment details above)
3. Connect to MySQL DB
Upon creating your mySQL database using the marketplace image, you should have a VCN created for you. Go into the route table rules and add port 3306/TCP to ingress rule for your VCN.
Connect to the compute instance remotely:
ssh -i <private-key-filename> opc@<gg_public-id-address>
Run the commands to download mySQL and connect to it
Create GoldenGate User
Login as root and enter password when prompted. If you didn’t create a password during the creation of the database, you can get the temporary password with the following command
sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
Then log in with the command below using the temporary password
mysql -u root -p ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<MY_NEW_PASS>'
Create the database and table to use to pull data from
create database GGTEST; use GGTEST; <create table here>
Create the GoldenGate User
create user 'ggsrc'@'<GG_IP>' identified by '<PASSWORD'
Grant necessary privileges
grant all privileges on *.* to 'ggsrc'@'<GG_IP>';
Login to goldengate (non-oracle) instance.
ssh -i <private-key> opc@<goldengateIP>
Start the Extract
Edit the Extract parameter parameter file
edit param extmysql
*** param file begins here***
EXTRACT extmysql
sourcedb GGTEST@<mySQLIPADDRESS>, USERID ggsrc, password <PASSWORD>
Add the extract
ADD extract extmysql, TRANLOG, BEGIN NOW
Add the extract trail
ADD EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/et, EXTRACT extmysql
Login to the mySQL database
dblogin sourcedb GGTEST@<db_ip_address>:3306, userid ggsrc, password <password>
Start the manager
start mgr
Start the extract
4. Creating the Pump Extract
Create the Pump Extract. This is what will send the extract file to the target GoldenGate manager
edit param PMPSQL
RMTHOST <<GoldenGate for Oracle IP address>, PORT <receiver_port>
Then add the extract
add extract pmpsql, exttrailsource ./dirdat/et
Add the rmttrail. This is where the trail file will be sent on the target side.
Add rmttrail aa, extract PMPSQL
Error 1: process abends, ‘tcp/ip’ error no route to host.
This error is caused usually by firewall issues with the target side. To fix:
a. Check which ports are open:
Go into your target goldengate instance and check which ports are open
sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
b. If you see that the receiver port you specified isn’t there add it with these commands:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=<receiver port number>/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Error 2: OGG-01224 command ‘start server’ is not supported by OGG admin Server. This error is because you did not list the receiver server as the port and the admin server. This is a microservice architecture, so you must specify the receiver server port number. Edit the param file and specify the RECEIVER PORT.
Configuring the Microservices Target Side
- Logging into the target ADW
Download the wallet file from the OCI console if you have not already done so. Click DB Connection & click download wallet.
Open SQL Developer and connect to the Database with the wallet file and database admin credentials. you can get this info here too.
Then issue the following commands to select the ggadmin user. When using GoldenGate with ADW a GoldenGate user is created for you.
SQL> select * from dba_users order by username;
SQL> alter user ggadmin identified by <password> account unlock;
Check whether the parameter enable_goldengate_replication is set to true. If not, then modify the parameter
SQL> select * from v$parameter where name = 'enable_goldengate_replication';
SQL> alter system set enable_goldengate_replication = true scope = both;
2. Create the target schema
SQL> create user appadmin identified by <*****>;
SQL> grant create session, resource, create view, create table to appadmin;
SQL> alter user appadmin quota unlimited on data;
Move Client Credentials to Oracle GoldenGate compute node
ssh -i <private_key> opc@<public_ip_address>
Create a staging directory and grant the essential permissions and then exit the session.
$ mkdir stage
$ exit
Copy the credentials zip file to the compute node (outside the goldengate node)
$ scp -i <private_key_file> ./<credential_file> opc@<public_ip_address>:~/stage
SSH back into the GoldenGate node
ssh -i <private_key> opc@<public_ip_address>
Verify that the credentials zip file is in the stage location
$ cd ~/stage
$ ls -ltr
4. Configure the Goldengate compute node with Autonomous Client Credentials
In the compute node, unzip the client credentials file
unzip ./<credential_file> -d ./client_credentials
Copy the sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora files to the location of your TNS_ADMIN
$ cd ~/stage/client_credentials
$ cp ./sqlnet.ora /u02/deployments/<deployment>/etc
$ cp ./tnsnames.ora /u02/deployments/<deployment>/etc
Edit the sqlnet.ora file and replace the directory parameter with the locaiton of the information pointing to the location where the client credentials were unzipped
$ cd /u02/deployments/<deployment>/etc
$ vi ./sqlnet.ora
Within the sqlnet.ora file do the following
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/client/<oracle version>
$ export TNS_ADMIN=/u02/deployments/<deployment>/etc
Test the connection to the ADW by connecting to one of the entries
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ./sqlplus appadmin/**********@orcladw_low
5. Configure the Microservice side for replication
a. Log in to the Service Manager using password for oggadmin (in the ogg-credentials.json file in the goldengate node). There are known issues with Google Chrome. It works with Mozilla. You can access the service manager with https://<public_ip_address>
b. From the service manager main page, select the hyperlink for the port number associated with the administration service
c. Open the context menu in the top left corner of the Overview page.
d. From the context menu, select Configuration.
e. From the Database tab, click the plus ( + ) icon, to add a new credential.
f. Provide the following information and click Submit
Credential Domain: [Defaults to OracleGoldenGate]
Credential Alias: [Name of the Alias]
User ID: ggadmin@<adw_tnsnames_reference>
Password: [Password for ggadmin]
Verify Password: [Password for ggadmin]
g. Test the connection to the Autonomous Data Warehouse by clicking the Log in database icon after the credential has been added.
6. Create the checkpoint table on the target side
Add the checkpoint table
Add the transaction information in the form of schemaname.table_name
Then go back to the service manager and to the administration server and click the + button in the replicat page
Once you click the replicat page, choose non-integrated replicat. Click Next. Fill it out like so. Make sure the trail name is the same trail you specify from the pump extract on the source side.
Next create the parameter file.
replicat rep2
useridalias ggadmin domain OracleGoldenGate
You are done setting up the target side. The only thing to do now is make sure it works! Insert something on the source mySQL database and see if it shows up on the target ADW. Another easy way to check is to go to statistics and see if the DML operation shows up.
Originally published at